Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What is the effect of Bob Costas' gun comments?

This week Bob Costas has created a firestorm of controversy over his comments on Monday Night Football against guns and what seemed like a pitch for stronger gun control laws.  Some have applauded him and others are quite irate that he would use that particular forum to attempt to advance his political agenda.

I on the other hand, am quite ambivalent about the whole thing.  On one hand it is his first amendment right to express himself and he exercised that right.  Although his employer may think differently, it is his right to express his opinion and he did so.  On the other hand, he gets paid a whole lot of money to be a sports broadcaster.  If he wants to comment on law, politics, and national policy, then he can go on any of the news networks that are dedicated to reporting on those issues.  I’m sure they’d be happy to have him on as a guest or even a regular correspondent.  I don’t think the outrage was with the fact that he expressed his opinion, I think it was the forum that he chose that was the problem.  People that tune in to watch an NFL game, tune in to do just that, watch an NFL game.  On Monday night I think they felt like there was a bit of a bait and switch pulled on them, and rightfully so.

As for one lawyer’s humble opinion, the only problem I had was that a lot of the message was just inaccurate.  "If Jovan Belcher didn't possess a gun," Costas told a television audience of more than 20 million, "he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today."  Not only is this an irrational leap of logic, it is also inflammatory speculation with no basis in fact.  Costas overlooks the fact that there is more than one way to kill someone, ask Nicole Brown Simpson’s family.  Furthermore, Costas ignores the mountain of evidence that shows the number of lives that are saved every year because people defend themselves with guns, but that's another topic for another time.  My point on this whole situation is this: if you’re going to take a stand on something as political and as polarizing as the issue of gun control, you better back it up with facts, studies, and other data.  Conclusory statements like the ones Costas made on Monday night will not suffice.  Although Costas is brilliant at what he does and he has built a reputation as a very credible individual, I think he did himself a disservice by saying what he said, and I think he lost just a bit of legitimacy with a whole lot of people.